A Vision

View Our Vision For The Same Page Here -->


-A platform, a protocol, a community, and a team to change the world.

-A Community Powered Grants DAO With A Bold Vision

TheSame.Page is a decentralized platform for community driven impact projects within the Solana Community.

We’re building The Same Page as a new type of builder movement. A builder movement to create clarity within the decentralized space, a movement to help us Stay On The Same Page. And a movement to build world changing ideas that go beyond. 

A movement to build some of the most empowering ideas we can imagine together, and to build them with Solana.

TheSame.Page is a platform for common-ground. A safe and a Brave Space for essential conversations and a space to share your perspective or vision. The Same Page is a platform and protocol that enables builders to engage their community by creating {Pages} for updates and visions and {Pathways} for taking collective action together.

We intend on open-sourcing the {Pages} and {Pathways} protocol that we build together over time.

On TheSame.Page builders can share a vision by creating a new {Page} on The Same Page.

Builders, communities, and teams can also create {Pathways} for their vision or for the community. Pathways are dynamic action plans that evolve based on community needs and input. Pathways are builders' plans to take action and include essential information about that project or {Pathway} ie milestones, timeline, total funds raised.

We intend on implementing a transaction fee on {Pathway} crowdfunding contributions to fund TheSame.Page and we also intend on sharing the {Pathways} API so that anyone can implement a {Pathway} card within their website or platform.

At its core, The Same Page is about human empowerment and sharing ideas that can really make a difference. We hope to build a simple and a more accessible grants dao that connects Builders with Backers and Sponsors that are on the same page. Sponsors can create a {Sponsor} profile and contribute funds to projects. Sponsors earn $Gratus when they help sponsor or contribute to projects on TheSame.Page. Gratus means Thank You or Gratitude in latin. Gratus will become our governance and reputation token for TheSame.Page and for the Waves.Fund.

Our long term goal is to build a community and a team to build some of the most impactful and empowering ideas that we can fathom. Our dream is to build world changing ideas with the Solana Community and empower builders to get involved in the most meaningful way possible, by sharing their voice, their vision, their mission, and dream. And by #BuildingForChange and by #BuildingInPublic


We need to be thinking long term. We hope to evolve TheSame.Page into a Grants DAO that funds Impact Projects and Essential Public Goods. TheSame.Page is a long term plan and solution to help with some of the most imperative issues that we face as a society and as a world. Our vision for TheSame.Page is to build a passionate purpose driven community that can confidently self-organize and launch world changing ideas and movements. 

A Community that becomes an altruistic force to be reckoned with.


There are some things in this world that can't be put into words. So we'll use a token instead.

When someone makes a difference in this world and in a lot of our lives. Or impacts a space, a community, or an industry as a whole, we can send them → :: $Waves

We intend on implementing the $Waves token as an SPL token on the Solana blockchain. We intend on building the Waves Blockchain and the Waves Wallet so that with every transaction sent with $Waves, builders have the option to allocate or contribute to the community owned impact fund, the Waves.Fund. 

This is a community allocated investment fund for projects making a difference.

Projects making waves. We plan on launching a funding movement and reward contributions to The Same Page Waves Fund, creating an Engaging, Mission Driven, Democratized Impact Fund.

A continuous stream of contributions to The Same Page Waves.Fund enable us to create a democratically allocated Builder Fund for projects built on TheSame.Page 

Here At TheSame.Page:

We're on a mission to connect world changing ideas with world changing teams.

Let's Begin -->


Help Us Build And Launch Ideas That Change The World.

Contribute $Solana To TheSame.Page -->

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